$999.00 USD

One year of support

If you're ready to invest in very solid ongoing support for when writing gets hard, confusing, and/or lonely, this package is for you. The sessions will help you stay on track instead of losing months to confusion and/or despair.

This is ideal for people working on a long-term project which will require different approaches at different stages. I can help you a ton in a single session, but this ongoing relationship will go deeper and, above all, will ensure you stay on track regardless of what blocks come up.

You will leave each session with more clarity, perhaps some homework, usually at least one breakthrough, for sure a plan for your next steps!

You reach out, we meet and we dissolve the knots together, so that you can keep on writing instead of freezing.

You can use the sessions as frequently as you need depending on what you're working on or struggling with. You have up to ONE YEAR to use your five sessions.

In each of these sessions you will gain clarity, finally understand patterns of thought that are blocking you and devise a way through them. We change the inner narrative so that you're never stuck for long and the writing keeps happening.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Looking forward to meeting you!



PS: Si vives y trabajas en Latinoamérica, tienes el 20% de descuento con el código: LATINA

What previous clients have said about this coaching package:

I started the coaching sessions with Laia for many different reasons, which led to just one: to see myself as a writer. To trust in myself and finally write, stop self-boycotting and believe in my abilities. I started working with Laia months before the publication of a very important book for me. The sessions allowed me to face the promotion with energy and strength, not asking for forgiveness or apologies, but proud of what I was achieving. Then we worked on many other issues that directly or indirectly affected my relation with writing: the impostor syndrome, the inability to say no... Laia helped me to revise concepts that I thought were immovable with regard to my relation with writing, the image I have of myself as a writer... She works from listening and reflection, from empathy. There are no magic recipes, but realistic processes: it is not about applying band-aids or patches, but about working from the depths to achieve real results. This is how I felt in her sessions.

Elena Medel

I'm a historian and I wanted to reach a broader audience. My writing was academically structured and I wanted to write in a different way. Writing was stressful for me. I did not have a good relationship with my writing. After coaching with Laia, I found a creative part inside of me that wanted to get out. Now, I am approaching the writing craft in interesting and different ways. Laia is a wonderful writing coach. She has a remarkable ability to get to the bottom of what is really bugging you with your writing, quite fast. With a lot of care, she helps you find different alternatives to move forward with your writing. If you are looking for a new voice in your writing, Laia is definitely the coach you want to work with.

Gabriela Recio